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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Carmelo Anthony - WHAT IF...

There might not be many smiles left in Denver for Carmelo Anthony

Deb's PC, Office Room -- Call it wishful thinking or call it a possibility. Either way I'm writing about it. So I must have heard something that made me walk over to the computer and make a fool out of myself. After reading on ESPN that Melo stated on the Scott Van Pelt Show that it was 'Time for change' I felt I wanted to give my opinion. Who cares?
Over this past summer following (James Earl Jones voice) "THE DECISION", a couple of NBA superstars came out and stated their desire to leave their respective teams also for bigger and better things. Chris Paul the star point guard for the New Orleans Hornets and Carmelo Anthony of the Denver Nuggets both came out and said they wanted to be traded. Well, kind of. Both men shortly there after reneged on their statements and eventually stayed with their teams, for now. Chris Paul released a statement through a "Team Representative" that he had all the intentions of staying a Hornet and was looking forward the future even with the new management in place. "Even with the new management in place" ? As if the new management was a substitute teacher. You know the one you would sneak out of class on while they wrote on the chalkboard. The one you told that your real teacher let you leave an hour early everyday. Now back to the "bigger and better things". I use the word "better" very loosely because it's part of the phrase. Because New York was not better than New Orleans and was definitely not better than Denver. It is however bigger. Which leads me to my next and main point. Carmelo Anthony needs the Knicks and the Knicks need him (sound familiar). ........hold on, I'm having a summer of Lebron moment here......Ok, I'm back. What was I saying? Oh yeah, let me re-phrase that. Carmelo "wants" the Knicks and Knicks really "want" Carmelo. Think about it. I wrote a blog a couple of days ago on how the Knicks want to bring respect back to New York. So far they've taken the right steps. Sure we didn't get Lebron or Bosh or Wade or Boozer or..damn, well we got Amare. I like Amare but we need one more piece. Not to win it all but to be a real, real threat. I mean I want the Knicks to walk into The Staples Center and hear "New York Sucks New York Sucks!!!!" or walk into Boston and hear "Beat New York Beat New York Beat New York"...well that will never happen but you know what I mean. If the Knicks get Anthony the whole dynamic will change. They can spread the floor out and create havoc. D'Antoni's system favors Melo's style of play. He is in my opinion the second best scorer in the league. He was the best until a guy named Kevin Durant was drafed by the OKC Thunder..I mean the Seattle Supersonics. Melo was made for New York. He was born in New York with his family later moving to Baltimore. He played at Syracuse and won the Chips there. Don't get me wrong, Denver is nice and all if you like snowboarding, skiing and Coors Light commercials but Carmelo belongs in a big city. Seriously, I'm not trying to dissrespect Denver in anyway but the biggest celebrities in Denver are John Elway, the South Park gang and the Coors Light train. The fans in New York will love him and his game. I miss the days of the Garden being packed to full capacity. I miss the playoffs and the energy around the city in the summer when the Knicks were good. Dammit I miss Marv Albert saying "Yesssss" !
Harlem? Is that a sign Melo? hmmmmmm

Melo's going to score there's no question about it. So what else does he bring to the table? I've seen Carmelo Anthony mature before my eyes. He was the nation's darling as a Diaper Dandy x 100 with Syracuse when he lead them to the promised land and left for the NBA. In all honesty he could've been a Top 5 pick straight out of high school. He battled Lebron for rookie of the year honors and has been a top flight superstar his whole career. Attitude issues arose (surprise surprise) when he got in trouble with the law. But he's been melo ever since....sorry I couldn't resist. He was questioned as a teammate. He proved everyone wrong when he showed his leadership on the US Olympic team so much that Kobe priased him as the unspoken leader of that team. He has garnered the respect of his peers. again I bring up Kobe because, well he's Kobe and the only people he compliments are himself and his puppet from the Nike commercials. When asked how it was going up against Anthony in the 2008-09 Western Conference Finals Bryant said it was like wrestling a grizzly bear. I was privelaged enough to sit on my couch (front row baby VIP) and watch Lebron James and Carmelo Anthony put on one of the greatest displays of scoring and one-up-manship in a long long time when they faced eachother last year the first game right after the All-Star Game. James put up a triple double scoring 43 points 13 rebounds and 15 assists while Melo's stats weren't too shaby either 40 points 6 rebounds and 7 assists. Denver when on to win the game in OT. Say what you want but I would love to see the Knicks get him. Maybe they will maybe they won't either way it gives the Knicks a little more hope. But for now they must build off what they currently have in place which is pretty solid.

1 comment:

  1. I love it..It's so true..It'll just be a matter of time.Cp3 is balling crazy right now, which may hurt his chances of getting a suitable trade partner. I mean he'd require alot, now add the fact that he seems to be back at his 20-08 form...Good luck Walsh..
