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Monday, October 25, 2010

With the NBA Season Looming Will the Lakers 3-Peat...again?

Let's get something straight and out of the way. I've never been a Lakers fan, nor will I suscribe to their Book of the Month Club. But I have alot of respect for them. Whether you like them or not the Lakers win and win big. Kobe Bryant is welding and working on his 6th ring. Yes 6. A number that seemed astronomical when Shaq took HIS talents down to South Beach after the 2004 season. Yet here we are staring the 2010 NBA season square in the eyes and guess who's team is leading the pack...again? Yes, the Miami Heat are going to be good, real good. Calling them "The Sexy Pick" is like saying you kind of like Katy Perry in an Elmo shirt on SNL (YouTube it). So everyone is expecting an all palm tree finals. That being said I will still give the upper hand to the Lakers. They have the best closer in the game in Kobe Bryant (...awaiting boos.......). Hate him or love him the guy is ruthless and deadly. He IS Jordan reincarnated. The only difference between him and Mike is the internet. MJ had flaws that no one got to see on an everyday basis like Kobe. I'm not defending his attitiude but Mike was guarded by the media like the Pope. I'm just saying. MJ made mistakes and was arrogant but the media now is 100 times faster to publish stories and make you look bad. Miami will be tough in the East and considered the forerunner (although I always thought the race had to begin to be considered). While Lebron is probably the greatest physical specimen ever to lace up the kicks since Shaq he lacks something in the end. I've always had these discussions at work with regards to the whole "Kobe vs Lebron" thing. And I always said the samething EVERYTIME. Lebron is the best player in the NBA for the first 38 minutes of the game. But  for the remaining 12, I'll take Kobe anyday. Lebron still lacks the killer instinct Kobe has ( til this day I still think Lebron boated to Miami to not deal with the last shot). The Lakers also have better chemistry and history in the big games to look to. They've been through more as a unit. They've lost in the Finals and won in the Finals so they know what to expect. Quick Fact - Did you know that if the Lakers win this year Phil Jackson would've 3-peated 4 times?!?! Crazy. Oh yeah, the Lakers have Phil Jackson. That dude that's led 11 teams to champaigne in June. Although something tells me Sir Patrick Riley will be going into the phonebooth, loosening up the tie, grabbing the clipboard and becoming "SuperCoach" before seasons end if the Heat hit a bump in the road. It will be interesting but I'll always take the champ. Just like in boxing you have to take the belt away from a champion. The judges, in this case the writers and "experts" can't just hand it to you. you have to suit up and play for 48 minutes and see who's left standing when the smoke clears.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! i concur with your assessment about the Lakers being the team to beat- Your point about MJ being protected by the media is also interesting. Look forward to future posts
